Auralite 23 Cluster

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  • Regular price $22.22
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AURALITE 23 is a type of amethyst with 23 minerals within. It is said to be a powerful spiritual healer, aiding you to reach a higher conscious. Balances the body. The 23 minerals are as followed:

  1. Titanite
  2. Cacoxenite
  3. Lepidocrosite
  4. Ajoite
  5. Hematite
  6. Magnetite
  7. Pyrite
  8. Goethite
  9. Pyrolusite
  10. Gold
  11. Silver
  12. Platinum
  13. Nickel
  14. Copper
  15. Iron
  16. Limonite
  17. Sphalerite
  18. Covellite
  19. Chalcopyrite
  20. Gialite
  21. Epidote
  22. Bornite
  23. Rutile